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Fire Sprinkler System

Fire Sprinkler System Malaysia Supplier

VIC Engineering is the leading fire sprinkler system Malaysia supplier. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, we provide innovative solutions that meet rigorous safety standards while offering exceptional value for your protection.

Frequently Asked Questions on Fire Sprinkler Systems

Why use a fire sprinkler system?

The primary purpose of a fire sprinkler system is to quickly respond to a fire in its early stages, preventing its spread to other areas of the building. By controlling the fire, sprinkler systems can limit property damage and potentially save lives

Do fire sprinklers detect smoke?

Fire sprinklers do not directly detect smoke, they are activated by heat. Each individual sprinkler head is equipped with a heat-sensitive element, usually a glass bulb or a fusible link, which holds back the water flow.

At what temperature do fire sprinklers active?

Fire sprinklers are activated at different temperatures depending on the type of sprinkler and the environment in which it is installed. The most common temperature ratings for fire sprinklers are:

  • 57°C: This is the most common temperature rating for fire sprinklers in residential and commercial buildings.
  • 68°C: This temperature rating is used in areas where there is a higher risk of fire, such as industrial buildings.
  • 121°C: This temperature rating is used in areas where there is an even higher risk of fire, such as chemical processing plants.

What are the main types of sprinkler systems?

There are several main types of sprinkler systems commonly used for fire safety protection. Here are the most prevalent ones:

  • Wet pipe systems are the most common type of sprinkler system. The wet pipe sprinkler systems are used in areas where the temperature is not expected to fall below freezing. The pipes in a wet pipe system are always filled with water.
  • Dry pipe systems are used in areas where the temperature is expected to fall below freezing. The dry pipe sprinkler systems are filled with air, and the sprinkler heads are activated by a release of water from a storage tank.
  • Pre-action systems are used in areas where the accidental discharge of water would be a problem. The pipes are filled with air, and the release of water from a storage tank via sprinkler heads is only triggered after a fire alarm has been activated.
  • Deluge systems are used in areas where a fast and large water discharge is required. The water distribution piping system is always filled with water, and the sprinkler heads are activated by a fire alarm.

How does the fire sprinkler system work?

Here are the steps on how a fire sprinkler system works:

  1. A fire starts.
  2. The heat from the fire causes a sprinkler head to activate.
  3. A stream of water is released from the fire sprinkler heads.
  4. The water helps to extinguish the fire.
  5. The sprinkler head will be replaced before being used again.

How to install a fire sprinkler system?

It’s important to consult with a licensed fire protection engineer or contractor for detailed instructions and to ensure compliance with local codes and regulations. Here are the basic steps involved in installing a fire sprinkler system:

  1. Check the water pressure.
  2. Design the system.
  3. Install the system.
  4. Test the system.
  5. Maintain the system.